Senate Committee to Discuss Bill Regarding Smoking Ban in Atlantic City Casinos

Senate Committee to Discuss Bill Regarding Smoking Ban in Atlantic City Casinos

Title: Senate Committee to Discuss Bill Regarding Smoking Ban in Atlantic City Casinos


The issue of smoking in public places has been a topic of debate for several years, with health concerns and economic impacts at the forefront of discussions. In recent news, the Senate Committee is set to discuss a bill that proposes a smoking ban in Atlantic City casinos. This article aims to provide an overview of the bill, its potential implications, and the arguments surrounding the smoking ban.


Atlantic City, known for its vibrant casino industry, has long allowed smoking on the gaming floors. However, as awareness about the health risks associated with secondhand smoke has grown, there has been a push for stricter regulations to protect both employees and patrons from exposure.

The Bill:

The bill being discussed by the Senate Committee proposes a complete smoking ban within Atlantic City casinos. If passed, it would prohibit smoking in all indoor areas, including gaming floors, restaurants, bars, and hotel rooms. The ban would extend to both traditional tobacco products and electronic cigarettes.

Arguments in Favor of the Smoking Ban:

1. Health Concerns: Proponents of the smoking ban argue that it will significantly improve air quality and protect the health of both employees and non-smoking patrons. Secondhand smoke contains numerous harmful chemicals and has been linked to various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

2. Employee Welfare: Casino workers, who are often exposed to secondhand smoke for prolonged periods, may face increased health risks. A smoking ban would create a healthier work environment and reduce the incidence of related health issues among employees.

3. Economic Benefits: Supporters of the ban argue that it could attract a new demographic of non-smoking visitors who have previously avoided Atlantic City due to concerns about secondhand smoke. This could potentially lead to increased revenue for the city’s casinos and other businesses.

Arguments Against the Smoking Ban:

1. Economic Impact: Opponents of the smoking ban worry that it may have a negative effect on Atlantic City’s struggling casino industry. They argue that smokers, who make up a significant portion of casino-goers, may choose to gamble elsewhere if they are unable to smoke while playing.

2. Personal Freedom: Critics of the ban argue that it infringes upon personal freedom and individual rights. They believe that adults should have the choice to smoke in designated areas without being subjected to a complete ban.

3. Potential Revenue Loss: Some opponents claim that the smoking ban could result in decreased revenue for the state, as it may discourage smokers from visiting Atlantic City altogether. This could have a ripple effect on the local economy and lead to job losses.


The proposed smoking ban in Atlantic City casinos is a contentious issue that has both health and economic implications. While supporters argue that it will improve air quality, protect employees’ health, and potentially attract new visitors, opponents express concerns about the economic impact and personal freedom. As the Senate Committee discusses this bill, it remains to be seen how the balance between public health and economic considerations will be struck in Atlantic City.