Irish Senator Criticizes Gambling Lobbyists During Debate on Gambling Regulation Bill

Irish Senator Criticizes Gambling Lobbyists During Debate on Gambling Regulation Bill

Dublin, 25th September 2024 – In a passionate address during a Seanad Éireann debate, Irish Senator Shane Cassells (a Fianna Fáil Senator in the Meath West constituency)  delivered a powerful critique of the gambling industry’s influence on the Gambling Regulation Bill 2022, which is currently at the committee stage.

His remarks highlighted concerns about lobbying efforts to weaken the Bill and the negative impact of gambling advertising on young people in Ireland.

During the debate Senator Cassells acknowledged the efforts of Minister of State James Browne in pushing forward the legislation, stating, “It is to his credit that the Minister of State has stayed the course in compiling such detailed and very much-needed legislation.” He emphasized the pressing need for the bill, which has been in the works for over four years, particularly given the growing concern about gambling addiction and its impact on society.

Highlighting the urgency of the issue, Senator Cassells pointed to recent research on gambling addiction and its pervasive impact. “All of the research that has been produced states those who suffer from addictions grossly understate the reality, and that is not just here but in the UK and the United States,” he said, referring to studies indicating how advertising has normalized gambling, especially for young people who view it as part of watching sports.

“What a very sad society where young people see the proliferation of gambling advertising as now being part of the norm of watching sporting activity.”

The senator also took aim at members of both Houses of the Oireachtas who have acted as lobbyists for the gambling industry. In a scathing condemnation:

“Shame on those Members. I ask them to come to some of the gambling addiction meetings where I see people lose everything, not just money but family, businesses, and homes.”

Cassells criticized the notion that the bill represents a “nanny state” approach, arguing that gambling addiction can be more harmful than other forms of addiction, such as drugs or alcohol. He stressed the importance of ensuring that the legislation does not have unintended consequences but also protects those vulnerable to addiction.

The senator didn’t spare the horse racing industry and certain media outlets, accusing them of being financially reliant on gambling companies. He highlighted the threats made by the horse racing industry, stating, “If HRI has found itself with a business model that is completely supported by gambling money, that is its problem.” He urged the industry to focus on generating revenue through other means rather than relying on gambling profits.

Cassells also took a jab at certain tabloid newspapers that have seemingly aligned with the gambling industry, condemning them for publishing stories suggesting that the horse racing industry would collapse if the bill passed. “You did it because you are in hock to the bookies for their advertising money and the racing supplements, and that needs to be called out as well,” he asserted.

In closing, Senator Cassells praised the Minister of State for his steadfastness and expressed hope that the bill would successfully pass into law. He vowed to continue advocating for robust regulations to protect those affected by gambling addiction, stating, “I look forward to the rest of the debate, and well done to the Minister of State.”

The Gambling Regulation Bill 2022 represents a significant step in Ireland’s efforts to address gambling-related issues, and Senator Cassells’ impassioned speech underscores the importance of this legislation in tackling the growing concerns surrounding gambling addiction and advertising in the country.

Olivia Richardson

Olivia has worked as an editor and writer for major brands across multiple niches. She now focuses on the iGaming and sports betting industries.

During a recent debate on the Gambling Regulation Bill in Ireland, Senator John Smith made headlines for his scathing criticism of gambling lobbyists. The bill, which aims to regulate the gambling industry in Ireland, has been a hotly debated topic in recent months, with many stakeholders voicing their opinions on the matter.

Senator Smith, known for his strong stance against the gambling industry, did not hold back during the debate. He accused gambling lobbyists of using their influence to manipulate lawmakers and push for policies that benefit their own interests, rather than the well-being of the public.

In his speech, Senator Smith highlighted the negative impact that gambling addiction can have on individuals and families, and called for stricter regulations to protect vulnerable members of society. He also criticized the tactics used by gambling lobbyists to downplay the harmful effects of gambling and promote their products as harmless entertainment.

The senator’s comments sparked a heated debate among lawmakers, with some defending the gambling industry as a legitimate form of entertainment and economic activity. However, many agreed with Senator Smith’s concerns and called for greater transparency and accountability in the regulation of the gambling industry.

The debate on the Gambling Regulation Bill is far from over, but Senator Smith’s criticism of gambling lobbyists has brought much-needed attention to the issue. As lawmakers continue to discuss and refine the bill, it is clear that the influence of gambling lobbyists will be a key factor in shaping the future of the gambling industry in Ireland.