Australia Ranks First in Global Gambling Losses

Australia Ranks First in Global Gambling Losses

A study by the Grattan Institute has revealed that Australian gamblers have the highest gambling losses per customer in the world with average losses totaling AU$1,635 ($1,105) per year.

According to the Grattan Institute’s report, the losses experienced by Australian gamblers are much greater that the averages in other countries with regulated gambling such as the United States – AU$809 ($547), and New Zealand – AU$584 ($394).

The data used focuses on gambling machines (pokies) and sports sports betting and covers gambling losses for the year 2022 when Australians lost a combined AU$24 billion ($16.2 billion) through gambling.

The latest Australian gambling statistics show that losses have increased by 36.25% from AU$1,200 ($811) in 2020.

Key Findings

  • Average annual losses – AU$1,650 ($1,105)
  • Combined annual losses – AU$24 billion ($16.2 billion)
  • Combined sports betting losses – AU$5.8 billion ($3.9 billion)
  • Australians using pokies – 1.2 million
  • Australians placing sports bets – 1.6 million
  • NSW has most pokies – 1 for every 75 adults
  • NSW pokie losses per person – AU$1,288 ($830)
  • 8% of Australians place bets on a monthly basis
  • 5% of sports bettors account for 77% of gambling spend via card payments

Problem Gambling

  • 22,000 people are currently registered with BetStop (national self-exclusion register)
  • 50% of people registered on BetStop are under 30 years of age
  • 30% of problem gamblers say sports betting biggest source of losses
  • 1.7% of adult population suffering acute gambling harm
  • 8% of all gamblers reports signs of gambling harm
  • 500,000 people have asked banks to put a stop on gambling spending
  • 700,00 people live with someone with serious gambling problem

The study also found that people living withing 250m of a pokie venue are 30% more likely to suffer gambling problems that those living 2km away.

Call for Action

In its report, the Grattan Institute made recommendations to the government based on its findings. These recommendations are:

Reduce gambling exposure to gambling

  • Ban all gambling advertising and inducements (bonuses and promotions).
  • Reduce the number of pokies numbers in operation.
  • Introduce gambling warning labels for any games that include gambling-like features. These include loot boxes and social casinos.

Mandatory pre-commitment and maximum loss limits

  • National mandatory pre-commitment system for all online gambling. This to include daily, monthly, and annual limits on losses.
  • State-wide mandatory pre-commitment scheme for pokies with similar limits.
  • Look into creating a single universal mandatory pre-commitment system for all forms of gambling.

Improve gambling support services

  • Commission a national review of gambling treatment and support services.
  • Invest in service improvements and research gaps.

Strong Support for Gambling Reform

In August of this year, the Australia Institute proposed a 2% levy on gambling revenues as part of its lobbying campaign to have a potential ban on gambling advertising fully implemented. The levy could be used to mitigate financial losses incurred by media companies as a direct result of the ban.

The institute’s proposal came shortly after the Alliance for Gambling Reform sent an open letter to the Australian government calling for all forms of gambling advertising to be banned. This was direct result of press reports that the government was set to reject a blanket ban on gambling ads.

The letter was signed by former prime ministers and political leaders, MPs, and union leaders. other signatories of the letter included prominent figures in sport, business, health, union and faith.

Olivia Richardson

Olivia has worked as an editor and writer for major brands across multiple niches. She now focuses on the iGaming and sports betting industries.

Australia has recently been ranked as the country with the highest gambling losses in the world, according to a report by H2 Gambling Capital. The report found that Australians lost a staggering $1,288 per capita on gambling in 2019, far surpassing other countries such as Singapore and Ireland.

One of the main reasons for Australia’s high gambling losses is the widespread availability of gambling options in the country. From casinos to sports betting to poker machines, Australians have a plethora of opportunities to gamble both online and in person. In fact, Australia has one of the highest numbers of poker machines per capita in the world, with over 200,000 machines spread across the country.

Another factor contributing to Australia’s high gambling losses is the cultural acceptance of gambling in the country. Gambling is seen as a normal and socially acceptable activity in Australia, with many Australians participating in gambling as a form of entertainment or socializing. This normalization of gambling can lead to increased spending and losses among individuals who may not realize the potential harm of their gambling habits.

The impact of these high gambling losses can be seen in the prevalence of problem gambling in Australia. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, around 0.5% of the adult population in Australia are classified as problem gamblers, with an additional 1.4% classified as moderate-risk gamblers. Problem gambling can have serious consequences for individuals and their families, including financial hardship, relationship breakdowns, and mental health issues.

In response to the high levels of gambling losses in Australia, there have been calls for stricter regulations on the gambling industry. Some advocates are calling for tighter restrictions on advertising and promotions by gambling companies, as well as measures to limit the accessibility of poker machines in venues such as pubs and clubs. Additionally, there have been calls for increased funding for problem gambling support services to help those who are struggling with their gambling habits.

Overall, Australia’s ranking as the country with the highest gambling losses highlights the need for greater awareness and action to address problem gambling in the country. By implementing stricter regulations and providing support services for those affected by problem gambling, Australia can work towards reducing the social and economic costs associated with excessive gambling.