Diverse Link Pty Ltd Penalized AU$5 Million by Australian Federal Court for Operating Unlicensed Online Poker on Redraw Poker Domain

Title: Diverse Link Pty Ltd Fined AU$5 Million for Unlicensed Online Poker Operations on Redraw Poker Domain


In a recent ruling, the Australian Federal Court has imposed a hefty penalty of AU$5 million on Diverse Link Pty Ltd for operating an unlicensed online poker platform on the Redraw Poker domain. The court’s decision serves as a stern reminder that unlicensed gambling activities will not be tolerated in Australia. This article delves into the details of the case, shedding light on the consequences faced by Diverse Link Pty Ltd and the broader implications for the online gambling industry.


Diverse Link Pty Ltd, a company based in Australia, had been operating an online poker platform under the domain name Redraw Poker. However, the company failed to obtain the necessary licenses from the appropriate regulatory authorities, rendering their operations illegal. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) initiated legal proceedings against Diverse Link Pty Ltd, leading to the recent court ruling.

The Penalty

The Australian Federal Court has imposed a substantial fine of AU$5 million on Diverse Link Pty Ltd for their unlicensed online poker operations. This penalty reflects the seriousness of the offense and serves as a strong deterrent for other operators engaging in similar activities. The court’s decision sends a clear message that unlicensed gambling will not be tolerated in Australia, emphasizing the importance of adhering to regulatory requirements.

Implications for the Online Gambling Industry

The case against Diverse Link Pty Ltd highlights the Australian government’s commitment to maintaining a regulated and safe online gambling environment. By penalizing unlicensed operators, authorities aim to protect consumers from potential risks associated with illegal gambling activities, such as fraud and money laundering.

This ruling also underscores the significance of obtaining proper licenses and complying with regulatory frameworks. Online gambling operators must ensure they meet all legal requirements before launching their platforms. Failure to do so can result in severe penalties, reputational damage, and potential closure of their operations.

The ACMA’s Role in Enforcing Regulations

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) plays a crucial role in regulating online gambling activities within the country. The ACMA is responsible for enforcing the Interactive Gambling Act 2001, which prohibits the provision of certain interactive gambling services to Australian residents without a valid license.

Through its enforcement actions, the ACMA aims to protect consumers, maintain the integrity of the gambling industry, and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The recent penalty imposed on Diverse Link Pty Ltd demonstrates the ACMA’s commitment to upholding these objectives.


Diverse Link Pty Ltd’s AU$5 million penalty for operating an unlicensed online poker platform on the Redraw Poker domain serves as a significant reminder to all online gambling operators about the importance of complying with regulatory requirements. The Australian Federal Court’s ruling emphasizes the government’s commitment to maintaining a regulated and safe gambling environment for Australian residents.

By penalizing unlicensed operators, authorities aim to protect consumers from potential risks associated with illegal gambling activities. This case highlights the need for operators to obtain proper licenses and adhere to regulatory frameworks to avoid severe penalties, reputational damage, and potential closure of their operations.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) plays a vital role in enforcing regulations and ensuring compliance with the Interactive Gambling Act 2001. Through its actions, the ACMA aims to safeguard consumers, maintain industry integrity, and uphold relevant laws.

Ultimately, this ruling serves as a warning to all online gambling operators that unlicensed activities will not be tolerated in Australia, reinforcing the importance of responsible and lawful gambling practices.